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The nano command

The nano command lets you create/edit text files.


Nano text editor is pre-installed on macOS and most Linux distros. It's an alternative to vi and vim. To check if it is installed on your system type:

nano --version If you don't have nano installed you can do it by using the package manager:

Ubuntu or Debian:

sudo apt install nano


  1. Open an existing file, type nano followed by the path to the file:

nano /path/to/filename

  1. Create a new file, type nano followed by the filename:

nano filename

  1. Open a file with the cursor on a specific line and character use the following syntax:

nano +line_number,character_number filename

Overview of some Shortcuts and their Functionalities:

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + S Save current file
Ctrl + O Offer to write file ("Save as")
Ctrl + X Close buffer, exit from nano
Ctrl + K Cut current line into cutbuffer
Ctrl + U Paste contents of cutbuffer
Alt + 6 Copy current line into cutbuffer
Alt + U Undo last action
Alt + E Redo last undone action

Last update: 2022-05-12
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