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The sort command

the sort command is used to sort a file, arranging the records in a particular order. By default, the sort command sorts a file assuming the contents are ASCII. Using options in the sort command can also be used to sort numerically.


Suppose you create a data file with name file.txt: Command : $ cat > file.txt abhishek chitransh satish rajan naveen divyam harsh

Sorting a file: Now use the sort command

Syntax :

sort filename.txt

``` Command: $ sort file.txt

Output : abhishek chitransh divyam harsh naveen rajan satish ```

Note: This command does not actually change the input file, i.e. file.txt.

The sort function on a file with mixed case content

i.e. uppercase and lower case: When we have a mix file with both uppercase and lowercase letters then first the upper case letters would be sorted following with the lower case letters.


Create a file mix.txt

Command : $ cat > mix.txt abc apple BALL Abc bat Now use the sort command

Command : $ sort mix.txt Output : Abc BALL abc apple bat

Last update: 2022-05-12
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