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The lsof command

The lsof command shows file infomation of all the files opened by a running process. It' name is also derived from the fact that, list open files > lsof

An open file may be a regular file, a directory, a block special file, a character special file, an executing text reference, a library , a stream or a network file (Internet socket, NFS file or UNIX domain socket). A specific file or all the files in a file system may be selected by path.




  1. To show all the files opened by all active processes:


  1. To show the files opened by a particular user:

lsof -u [USER_NAME]

  1. To list the processes with opened files under a specified directory:

lsof +d [PATH_TO_DIR]

Options and their Functionalities:

Option Additional Options Description
-i tcp/ udp/ :port List all network connections running, Additionally, on udp/tcp or on specified port.
List all processes with ipv4 connections.
List all processes with ipv6 connections.
-c [PROCESS_NAME] List all the files of a particular process with given name.
-p [PROCESS_ID] List all the files opened by a specified process id.
-p ^[PROCESS_ID] List all the files that are not opened by a specified process id.
+d [PATH] List the processes with opened files under a specified directory
List the files opened by parent process Id.

Help Command

Run below command to view the complete guide to lsof command. man lsof

Last update: 2022-05-12
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