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The find command

The find command lets you search for files in a directory hierarchy

  • Search a file with specific name.
  • Search a file with pattern
  • Search for empty files and directories.


  1. Search a file with specific name:

[linux] find ./directory1 -name sample.txt

  1. Search a file with pattern:

[linux] find ./directory1 -name '*.txt'

  1. To find all directories whose name is test in / directory.

[linux] find / -type d -name test

  1. Searching empty files in current directory

[linux] find . -size 0k


[linux] find [options] [paths] [expression] In Simple words [linux] find [where to start searching from] [expression determines what to find] [-options] [what to find]

Additional Flags and their Functionalities:

Commonly-used primaries include: - name pattern - tests whether the file name matches the shell-glob pattern given. - type type - tests whether the file is a given type. Unix file types accepted include:

options Description
b block device (buffered)
d directory
f regular file
l Symbolic link
-print always returns true; prints the name of the current file plus a newline to the stdout.
-mtime n find's all the files which are modified n days back.
-atime n find's all the files which are accessed 50 days back.
-cmin n find's all the files which are modified in the last 1 hour.
-newer file find's file was modified more recently than file.
-size n File uses n units of space, rounding up.

Help Command

Run below command to view the complete guide to find command or click here. [linux] man find

Last update: 2022-05-12
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