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The basename command

The basename is a command-line utility that strips directory from given file names. Optionally, it can also remove any trailing suffix. It is a simple command that accepts only a few options.


The most basic example is to print the file name with the leading directories removed:

bash basename /etc/bar/foo.txt

The output will include the file name:

bash foo.txt

If you run basename on a path string that points to a directory, you will get the last segment of the path. In this example, /etc/bar is a directory.

bash basename /etc/bar


bash bar

The basename command removes any trailing / characters:

bash basename /etc/bar/foo.txt/


bash foo.txt


  1. By default, each output line ends in a newline character. To end the lines with NUL, use the -z (–zero) option.

bash $ basename -z /etc/bar/foo.txt foo.txt$

  1. The basename command can accept multiple names as arguments. To do so, invoke the command with the -a (--multiple) option, followed by the list of files separated by space. For example, to get the file names of /etc/bar/foo.txt and /etc/spam/eggs.docx you would run:

bash basename -a /etc/bar/foo.txt /etc/spam/eggs.docx

bash foo.txt eggs.docx


The basename command supports two syntax formats:

bash basename NAME [SUFFIX] basename OPTION... NAME...

Additional functionalities

Removing a Trailing Suffix: To remove any trailing suffix from the file name, pass the suffix as a second argument:

bash basename /etc/hostname name host

Generally, this feature is used to strip file extensions

Help Command

Run the following command to view the complete guide to basename command.

bash man basename

Last update: 2022-05-12
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